At first I wondered why the Hughes Brothers would direct music videos for a band like Korn, and then I listened to songs on their newest CD, titled "Untouchables". Now before I go into this, I'll say that I'm a huge fan of rap, but I also enjoy some metal, Korn being the biggest thing metal I listen to. I cannot describe any 2Pac videos because I haven't seen any, but I can describe the Korn videos, both "Here To Stay" and "Thoughtless". If they were glorifying Caine and O-Dog's actions, then the Brothers would not show us the consequences of those actions. You may think that the Hughes Brothers are glorifying that criminal image, but in fact, they are condemning it. Throughout the film, Caine and O-Dog Larenz Tate commit numerous crimes. He's a product of drug-pushing/using parents, witnessed murder before he was ten, was orphaned sometime later, and is now living with his God-fearing grandparents. It goes without saying that Caine is a criminal, but we come to sympathize with him, even though there is no way we can support his actions. The story focuses on Caine brilliantly played by Tyrin Turner and his life after graduating from high school. "Menace" shows us the other, darker side of that picture. He grows up with a caring father Laurence Fishburne and it also shows him with his friends, many of whom are doomed to the legacy of street violence. who tries to survive, despite his harsh surroundings. It also showed us Tre played by Cuba Gooding, Jr. "Boyz" focused on the positive side of living in the Los Angeles ghetto, which was South Central if I'm not mistaking. What separated the two, was their subject matter. This film upon its release in 1993, was instantly compared to "Boyz N the Hood". If you've seen any music video or film that they have directed, you can easily make the claim that they are the best at what they do - portraying life as for what it is. Yes in this film, people are shot, beaten, and robbed, but it is done a brutal fashion that is realistic.

How else can you show violence in a movie without it looking completely fake? Just look at anything they've done and you notice how frighteningly realistic their subject matter is. One thing that has become a main criticism with the Hughes Brothers, is how they portray violence in their films.

They portray their films in a much more realistic fashion. Become common in his films.Now, you do not see that with the Hughes Brothers.